Friday, November 5, 2010

Defending Disney

Why would anyone defend the corporate giant Disney? Did people feel like it was taking away some part of their childhood to learn some awful truth about people that cared nothing about their well being? Perhaps it is true, maybe some of the people shown in the documentary were looking to much into Disney but the facts are these movies produced unfavorable and hurtful feelings in individuals regardless if we feel the same way or not, shouldn't their feelings be taken into account? Or did people write them off as crazy people with nothing better to do?

Sounds like a massive case of Stockholm syndrome to me. Take it from the Disney CEO himself! "We are not here to entertain people, we are not here to be role models. He are here to make money." Why would anyone defend someone who so blatantly cares not for anyone or anything besides money?

Let's look at Disney in the 30's 40's and 50's. Obvious and extreme racism was found in their movies and cartoons. I find it hard to defend someone against the same accusations when it was so prevalent in their past.

I wish we could get down to brass tacks in the classroom discussions. Whether or not individual people in the classroom found it racist or sexist or not, the facts are that same; some people do. So if these films are making bad reactions to some people, any people, shouldn't we as "well adjusted and intelligent" adults find the fault in that and realize something is wrong with this. Even if it wasn't you, think about the children in Africa watching this. Think about the kids in Asia watching lady and the tramp with poor depictions of slanted-eyed buck toothed Siamese cats.

With such a global presence there must be responsibility. To me, I really don't care if you watched Disney your whole life and turned out perfect, the fact that these films are making people feel bad about themselves; this is my main concern.

I find a parallel in defending America's depiction and use of Native American themes. I have heard people say it is not as big of a deal as people make it out to be. It all depends on if it is hurting the Native Americans, are feelings are irrelevant and frankly blinding to the facts.

The fact that it is hurting children regardless if it hurt us as children should be the only thing we are focusing on. It should be our duty to expose and bring awareness to the faults and racism Disney represents. I wish people could remember, Disney doesn't care who you are. They don't care if you live or die, offend you, or make you self conscience and ashamed to be who you are. Like everyone else they care about money, and i think it is up to us, "well adjusted intelligent people" or at least educated people, to be the ones to stand up to atrocities we find to be hurting others.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU, Alex! I was quite surprised at the reaction of some people in the class who defended Disney and accused the people in the documentary of being off base and crazy. The reaction was much more vehement than I have seen in the past. Usually people can see merit in these ideas.
    I think there is a core group of people in the class who just want to argue, or who don't want to open their minds. I am getting tired of it and I think I am going to call off the group discussions in favor of small groups so certain people do not dominate.
    So, when we do that, why don't you come talk to me in my group so we can have an intellectual discussion instead of a ridiculous, meaningless argument. OK?
    I appreciated your points last night. And this is what I am trying to do: "i think it is up to us, "well adjusted intelligent people" or at least educated people, to be the ones to stand up to atrocities we find to be hurting others" but some people just don't want to listen.
