Sunday, October 10, 2010

Music Videos

Music Videos, especially video in the rap/hip hop genre, are very degrading, trashy, inappropriate, and so much more. Terms like "music video thighs" have been coined because of the way music videos are now made. Usually women in little to no clothing shaking their body parts. The only thing that I can see that is a positive out of this is the fact the music video is no longer watched by a big audience. MTV, or Music Television no longer plays any show remotely linked to music, except in the wee hours of the morning.

It seems like the internet is the only place to find and watch music videos, and recording artists are now less inclined to make them when their is such a little audience compared to the 1990's and early 2000's. Regardless, the content is very objectifying to women, quite possible the most hurtful out of any form. Frankly I am surprised that so many women are so excited to openly participate being filmed in this type of behavior.

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