Monday, December 6, 2010

Beautifying America

As much as I liked the documentary we watched about the beauty industry and how honestly it was presented I was very uneasy at one of the last things he said when he mentioned if we change our perception of beauty aren't we swapping out one set of victims for another?

This statement really made me think about the skinny models and how the 13 year old with the 94cm waist was considered to be too fat. Referring back to the billboard that was on the building in new york city with women people might think of as average, once a shift could turns back to full figured women being the object of beauty(like in earlier decades)they are too be just as objectified as the skinny blonde models.

These monsters that run the magazines,(who by their standards of beauty do not even rank on their scale) are so unapologetic it is sickening.

The website or whatever it was, was run by very shallow people. Then after meeting with the film maker and seeing his gentle and authentic personality suddenly felt bad and gave him half hearted recommendations to put his picture up on the website. In an instant they seemed like they just realized what was wrong with what they were doing but I'm sure forgot about it the second he walked out the door.

I think the problem with everything is the human condition of fixation upon external appearance. It is a condition that people continue without superseding the physical limitations of what humans can actually look like and have to use computers. Are they going to do away with human models all together and just use animated models? Computerized images? A handful of people tell the rest of the world to look like. On what authority can they do that? How insecure are we that we believe them? If this world is going to hell the Editor in chiefs of these fashion magazines are definitely in the driver seat.

What I felt was the worst line (not to mention the worst person probably on the planet) was the E! executive that said they should take no responsibility for their actions. He used examples of eating disorders, teen pregnancies and suicides as he left blaming the victims for their lives completely denying any part of it. If these types of people didn't deny these thoughts I'm sure they would have killed themselves years ago after the guilt was just too much. I wish very much for this whole industry to collapse, let people have their own dreams, nobody needs dreams sold to them.